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ITIM (Indicative Trauma Impact Manual)

  • Learn more about ITIM

    Introducing the ITIM (Indicative Trauma Impact Manual)

    By Dr. Jessica Taylor and Jaimi Shrive

    The ITIM is the world’s first completely trauma-informed manual of its kind!

    The ITIM (Indicative Trauma Impact Manual) is the world’s first completely trauma-informed manual of its kind, designed to indicate, respond to, and understand every kind of human trauma and emotion. Building on decades of research, case studies, and evidence published by practitioners, academics, and scholars in the field, the ITIM equips progressive professionals with evidence-based, anti-oppressive, anti-blaming and non-diagnostic information about a wide range of human emotion, thought, and behaviour. 

    Building on the quickly growing consensus that trauma-informed, anti-oppressive practice is vital to the way we understand society, ourselves, and our clients; this book provides the first comprehensive alternative to diagnostic manuals.


    The manual describes, explains, and explores everything from nightmares to self-harming in an A-Z of emotions, thoughts and behaviours that are common in traumatised and distressed people. This edition also includes diagrams, theories, tools, and peer reviewed evidence throughout.

    Click below to learn more about ITIM and buy your copy

    Buy ITIM

New Trauma-informed guide from WHO and UN!

  • Amazing news from the WHO and UN

    The UN and WHO call for 'significant shift away from biomedical model of mental health'

    On the 9th October 2023, The World Health Organisation and United Nations collaboratively published their new practical guidelines to move away from the biomedical model of mental health, and instead, focus on the social determinants, oppression, poverty, abuse, violence, and other contextual factors that caused trauma and distress in humans.

    To learn more we recommend you read the full document availble below. 

    Mental health, human rights and legislation: Guidance and practice

    World Health Organisation and United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner

    Click below to download the guide


Introducing the ITIM (Indicative Trauma Impact Manual)

The ITIM (Indicative Trauma Impact Manual)

By Dr. Jessica Taylor and Jaimi Shrive

The ITIM is the world’s first completely trauma-informed manual of its kind, designed to indicate, respond to, and understand every kind of human trauma and emotion.

The first trauma-informed, non-diagnostic alternative to other manuals of mental health issues and psychiatric disorders.

The first comprehensive alternative to diagnostic manuals.

A non-diagnostic, trauma-informed guide to emotion, thought, and behaviour.

  • Learn more about ITIM

    Introducing the ITIM (Indicative Trauma Impact Manual)

    The ITIM is the world’s first completely trauma-informed manual of its kind!

    The ITIM (Indicative Trauma Impact Manual) is the world’s first completely trauma-informed manual of its kind, designed to indicate, respond to, and understand every kind of human trauma and emotion. Building on decades of research, case studies, and evidence published by practitioners, academics, and scholars in the field, the ITIM equips progressive professionals with evidence-based, anti-oppressive, anti-blaming and non-diagnostic information about a wide range of human emotion, thought, and behaviour. 

    Building on the quickly growing consensus that trauma-informed, anti-oppressive practice is vital to the way we understand society, ourselves, and our clients; this book provides the first comprehensive alternative to diagnostic manuals.


    The manual describes, explains, and explores everything from nightmares to self-harming in an A-Z of emotions, thoughts and behaviours that are common in traumatised and distressed people. This edition also includes diagrams, theories, tools, and peer reviewed evidence throughout.

    Click below to learn more about ITIM and buy your copy

    Buy ITIM

The first comprehensive alternative to diagnostic manuals!

Click below to download the ITIM Press Release


Reviews and Testimonials

  • Read what people are saying about ITIM

    Read more about what people are saying about the Indicative Trauma Impact Manual

    "With trauma too often overlooked and subsequently misdiagnosed, this manual provides much needed clarity on the ways in which trauma impacts the individual."

    "Dr. Jessica Taylor's newest book is a game-changer in the field of mental health. As an alternative for the standard DSM, it offers a fresh perspective on the way we diagnose and treat mental health issues. 

    Her revolutionary ideas stem from a new school of thought that is fighting against the pathologization of mental health. With her expertise and knowledge, Dr. Taylor has become a leader in this movement. 

    I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in mental health, psychology, or simply looking for a new perspective on these topics. It is a must-read for anyone seeking to broaden their understanding of mental health issues and how we can approach them in a more meaningful way. 

    Overall, Dr. Taylor's book is a refreshing change from the standard approach to mental health, and I am excited to see where her ideas take us in the future."

    "An incredible step forward for trauma informed practitioners. The authors are high achieving academics with a vast amount of experience working directly supporting with people who have experienced trauma.

    I hope mental health practitioners feel brave enough to explore these ideas, finally adopt approaches that are holistic, and take into account the social, political and cultural impacts upon the distress people experience."

    "Having studied Psychology and working in the field of healthcare and education, I’ve long since known that commonly used theories and models of mental illness minimise and ignore so many factors and lead people to stigma, exclusion and harmful pathologisation.

    We have needed ITIM for an incredibly long time and here it is. As soon as I picked it up to read I felt an incredible exhale.

    Trauma informed approach is so desperately needed in society to prevent barriers to employment, adoption, education, housing and so much more. 

    Thank you for your hard work and determination to create systemic change for all in creating this book."

    "Finally, a resource that is accessible, that blows open the argument that struggles with mental health are a problem located in the brain of the individual rather than an understandable and normal reaction to life events, trauma and stress.

    No doubt this work will feel challenging to some in a sector that is dominated by the medical model, where the evidence base is taken as fact rather than theory.

    Drawing on systemic ideas to understand our lived experience, this is a well researched and hopeful resource.

    It promotes understanding, compassion and validation rather than labels and limited ‘treatment’ options that are the current standard response.

    The ITIM offers a vision for a more relational, creative, non-blaming and just approach to working with traumatised people and systems."

    Click below to learn more about ITIM and buy your copy


ITIM Training

  • Do you need training on how to implement ITIM?

    We offer training on how to implement the ITIM as a professional. 

    If you or your organisation needs training or help implementing the ITIM please get in touch with us today!

    Click below to get in touch about ITIM training

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VictimFocus Train the Trainer

  • Become a VictimFocus Accredited Trainer

    We are dedicated to changing the way we portray and support victims of abuse, violence and trauma all over the world. Would you like to join us?

    Training is now available on location in the UK and around the world. No matter where you reside in the world, you can now book on to any of our courses and time zones which suit you best!

    VictimFocus Trainers and Accredited Practitioners are independent professionals (employed or self-employed) who have undertaken our training and assessment and gained our accreditation. Trainers are registered with us to deliver VictimFocus materials and training to professionals or members of the public.

    Click below to learn more about the VictimFocus Train the Trainer Online Training Programme

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VictimFocus APTI Advocate

  • Become a VictimFocus APTI Advocate

    Do you want to learn how to become an independent trauma advocate who challenges the medical model of mental health in your work?

    Do you already work with children or adults, and you are concerned that they are being labelled and pathologised as mentally ill or disordered when in fact, they are distressed and traumatised?

    Click below to learn more about the VictimFocus APTI Advocate Online Training Programme

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Learn more about the APTI movement

  • Learn more about APTI



    We have created several APTI resources to explore

    The APTI Booklet

    The APTI Booklet contains details further explaining the concept

    Click below to download the APTI booklet


    The APTI Directory of Practitioner

    The APTI Directory of Practitioners is a free-to-search global directory of trauma-informed professionals

    Click below to visit the APTI Directory of Practitioners


    Click below to leanr more and join the APTI Directory of Practitioners


  • Learn more about what is VALIDATE means

    Find out what the term VALIDATE means

    VALIDATE is a term coined in the Indicative Trauma Impact Manual that encompasses a trauma-informed ethos.

    Each letter stands for a different element of trauma informed practice. Find out what each letter stands for by clicking through the slides.  

    Victim Focused

    The service is focussed on the rights, wellbeing,

    journey, experiences, and needs of anyone who is a victim of harm. They should advocate

    for and protect victims of any form of harm


    The service rejects the pathologisation of their clients, and does not support the pathologisation of responses to human trauma. The service does not seek to, or support the psychiatric diagnoses, medication, restraint, or forced treatment of humans who have been traumatised and distressed by experiences.


    The service provides logical and rational approaches to traumatised people, which demonstrably consider what is in the best interests of their clients. Similarly, the service believes that trauma responses to distressing experiences are logical, rational, and explainable.


    The service is well-informed, well-educated and provides an evidence-based approach to trauma, distress, abuse, harm, and oppression.

    The service is committed to teaching their clients and/or wider community about trauma, harm, distress, and oppression.


    The service is dynamic and flexible in the way

    it responds to people in need. The service

    understands that everyone needs something unique and tailored to their trauma.


    The service is committed to anti-oppressive

    practice and theory, and rejects any theory, resource, practice or policy that oppresses, stereotypes, harms, silences or ignores marginalised groups of people.


    The service is trauma-informed and understands the impact trauma and distress has on humans.


    The service strives to 'do no harm', and to

    abide by ethical guidelines ni al of their work to avoid abuse, harm, exploitation, bullying, discrimination and violence. One of the most powerful impacts of APTI approaches is to validate and depathologise normal, natural responses to human distress.

    Click to buy your copy of ITIM to learn about VALIDATE


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